An Updated Report As of April 20, 2022
The documentary of still in the stages of production and while Netflix is a viable option for the documentary to be distributed, it is still currently being shopped around, the documentary will make its rounds to various film festivals after the documentary is complete and the streaming platform that will host the documentary will be announced in further developments of the project.
A Battle Rap documentary will be coming to the big screen this year. Yesterday I got the privilege of being on the set of the Documentary while they were filming battles & interviews for a URL documentary. This documentary from The Ultimate Rap League is primarily for the purposes of instructing, educating, and maintaining a historical record of the biggest battle rap league. URLTV was founded by Smack White, Eric Beasley & Jean “Cheeko” Frenech, on October 31st, 2009. Over the course of the past 13 years, URL has done close to 300 events (298 to be exact). The film crew has been chronicling some of the latest events with URL, dating back to Summer Madness 12
URL had the vision to feature some of the talents from their roster to create some original content for their documentary. They picked 4 significant individuals that have some historical impact on the league and others that are currently writing their story as we turn the page.
What we know so far about this documentary is that it will reference the most significant storylines, rivalries, performances, events, expansion, defining moments, and growth of the league. The documentary does not have a release date but a projection for this could range between the end of the Summer to the Middle of the fall season. We know that once they finish this documentary before it hits any platform, it will be featured in various film festivals. More details on that will be announced as developments continue.
Multiple Eras of URLTV

We have seen at least 3 different eras of The URL. The early era of Youtube/Proving Grounds, where marquee names were established and new talent was recruited into the league every year (2009-2014). Then we transition into PPV era of, this was the moment URL decided to start participating in live-streamed battle rap events & also decided to leave their staple location of NYC, and take the show on the road to multiple different cities around the country (2015-2019). Now we are currently in the Caffeine/App/Crucible era (2020-2023). This is the era where URL has been able to self-monetize their content by creating their own Battle Rap streaming service. All of their battles now live on the URLTV App, which thus leads to a booming economy for the league.
The Caffeine/App/Crucible era is highlighted for serval reasons, but one of the glaring aspects of this era is the fact that the battles are now distributed on the App, and they are no longer on Youtube. The League made a commitment to exchange the idea of visibility for sustainability. Before 2019, URL would average 12 events per calendar year, and in the Caffeine/App era, URL is averaging 37 events per calendar year. This era is special for all of the rising talents that have emerged to have opportunities to create a career and a stable income as battlers. There is also a rise of opportunities for the ladies as URL makes a commitment towards giving female battle rap more exposure with more events catered to or featuring women.
You can expect this documentary to highlight all of the eras of URL while touching on all the significant moments in between.
Ms. Hustle vs Casey Jay

Ms.Hustle & Casey Jay have a 1 round battle to be featured in this documentary.
Ms.Hustle is the first lady of URL, and she holds significant value in being a pioneer for the ladies in female battle rap. She is the first female that is featured on both of URL’s two marquee events, NOME & Summer Madness. She has the first female headliner on URLTV. Outside of the ring, she’s been featured on multiple mainstream outlets, she has freestyles on some of the biggest hip-hop platforms like Funk Flex & Sway In the Morning. She even announced in 2022, that she was working with Snoop Dogg to release some music. While also being one of the faces of the newly established Female battle rap league, Chrome 23. She is currently at the apex of her powers, as she was one of the first women to be featured and ranked on a Top 20 Battler list in 2022, and while her career is already etched in stone, she is still adding to it, while being a force to be reckoned with.
Casey Jay has only been on URL for 3 years, but in a short 3 years, she has made an impact and hit many historical milestones as a woman battling on URL. Casey Jay is currently tied for the most battles on URL by any female at 12x battles (Guess who she is tied with? Her opponent, Ms.Hustle). She currently has registered the most victories of any lady on the URLTV app, with a Record of 7-5. She is one of the only two ladies to ever be featured on the premier Smack Volume Card.
However, despite these fun facts, she is notoriously known for the damage she does to the men! 7 of her 12 battles in the league are against men, and in fact, the majority of them are Top Tier names. And she holds a 5-2 record against names of the likes of Arsonal, Aye Verb, Swamp, Geechi Gotti, DNA, Prep & Nu Jerzey Twork. All of this has parlayed into massive success outside of battle rap where she makes her acting debut and is featured on a True Crime Story show on VH1. She even started her own cannabis strain.
It’s only fitting that the woman who has paved the way for history on the league is clashing up against the woman who is currently breaking the mold while she continues to write her story. The only way to watch this battle will be when the documentary is finish
Th3 Saga vs Lu Castro

Th3 Saga & Lu Castro have a 1 round battle to be featured on this documentary.
URL approached Th3 Saga about wanting to dedicate content for the documentary. Th3 Saga is widely recognized for injecting his strong Christian faith into his lyrics, which was something unique that set him apart from most other battle rappers. When he first came into the league back in 2013/2014, there was hesitation amongst the fans and media. People would go on to question if he would have to compromise his style in order to have a high ceiling in the league. And close to a decade later, he sits with 30+ URL Battles, a few main events, a few main stage appearances, a battle of the year in 2020 vs B-Dot, and 4 platinum battles. Safe to say his career panned out to be successful as he made history on URL, by being a pioneer for Christian battle rap. URL approached him to battle someone with a different upbringing into the league but with a dynamic style and interesting story that would complement his. And that name was Lu Castro.